Thursday 5 April 2012

Talking Trees

I spent today with my little men, A who is 4 and J who is 2. They are so innocent and forgiving but also drive me crazy. For the first few years of being a Mum I constantly felt guilty for the things I was not doing, now I focus on what makes us all happy and being here for them as much as I can.

I try to do these things everyday, some days are better than others:

1. Not to worry about how dirty they get, it's not like the washing machine is not on already most of the day!

2. Enjoy something for myself everyday, today it was a beautiful view

3. Let them really enjoy their treats, today gingerbread men

4. Read to them

5. Forgive and forget. No matter what has happened this ickle sprat's (J's nickname) face means I melt in a second

6. Let them be themselves. I would love J to not have so many tantrums and for A to actually listen but I suppose they would like me to stop insisting they eat all their string beans before having more chicken! Today talking trees and dens

Take care
Natalie x

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