Saturday, 19 January 2013

My nearly birthday

So I will soon be 30 years old, on Sunday I will no longer be a twenty something girl. My plans for the weekend have been scuppered by the snow so rather than going to a spa, having Italian food and going to a animal park we will be staying in, playing in the snow and just being a family.

We went out in the snow yesterday, it was beautiful, just like icing sugar, soft and oh so chilly.

My Dad is still letting me use his SLR Sony camera which is a beautiful camera, I am however getting my very own camera for my Birthday, I am super excited to start using it I cannot tell you!

Happy Saturday to you all xx

Take care, Natalie xx


  1. Beautiful photos. Have a lovely birthday. It sounds perfect actually :) xxx

    1. Thank you Andrea, you are right, it does sound perfect, trying to keep my chin up xx

  2. A new camera? Tomorrow? Ohhh, that IS exciting. Love your snow pics (snow pictures are hard, I think!), looks like you had lots of fun! Look forward to hearing your birthday news tomorrow!

    1. Yes I know!! super exciting, now I will be taking even more photos (my husband dispairs!) We did have fun, nice to have older boys who want to have snow fights! Hope you are well xxx


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