Sunday, 20 January 2013


Today, 20th January 2013 is my 30th Birthday. I have been pondering over the last few days about my twenties. So here is my list, good and bad of my twenties

1. Took Barry with me travelling to Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore
2. Bought my first house at 21
3. Got our first dog Quill
4. Swam with sharks
5. Became a qualified scuba diver
6. Danced all night on the beach under the stars
7. Rode a bamboo raft in the jungle alone
8. Began my love of cooking 
9. Got engaged to my one and only love
10. Moved to our cottage in Wotton-Under-Edge
11. Conceived Asa
12. Holidayed with 22 friends
13. Got married
14. Renovated our cottage over three months
15. Met Jenny and Kate my dear friends
16. Asa was breech so had a c-section
17. We met our beautiful boy Asa 03/12/2007
18. Conceived Jasper 
19. After 3 days of labour had a c-section
20. Met Jasper our beautiful boy Jasper 13/05/2009
21. Struggled through a year of post natal depression
22. Had major abdominal surgery
23. Left my job of 11 years
24. Made a huge mistake and spent over a year fixing it
25. Started my own business
26. Celebrated 12 years with Barry
27. Drove a speed boat
28. Grew into a confident Mumma to my two boys
29. Met new friends in Wotton
30. Started my blog

A friend said my 30's will be the best decade of my life, I have to admit I do feel more confident to just be me, something which I have struggled with my whole life. I have the two most amazing little men in my life and a husband who loves me more than I know. My parents support me and our relationship continues to change from parent/child to dearest friends and confidants

Here are a few things I have been doing over the last days. I did not do what we had planned but today walking through my garden crunching on the thick white snow I could not have felt happier or more lucky.

On Thursday I invited 9 friends to a craft evening we made brooches. My dear friend Belinda showed us what to do and we used her shop/studio. 

Friday it snowed so there was no school. We spent a few hours with friends in the snow 

Saturday we sledged, met friends for a proper pub lunch then had snowball fights in the garden

Sunday my birthday. Barry outdid himself. I was woken at 8am with a birthday song from my three men and a delicious chocolate cake. My birthday cards from them I will treasure for always. We breakfasted on pancakes while I opened my gifts. A hand made silver forget me not necklace. A flight in a glider in the spring (ek!) and my very own Canon EOS. 

We pottered around the cottage until lunch, had Barry's home made pizza then went sledging. 

I am so very thankful for my life and the people in it

Hoping you all had a wonderful weekend too

Take care, Natalie xx


  1. Happy Birthday Natalie! Gosh what a list and what a life. Here's to your 30's being even more adventurous and fulfilled. xx

  2. Happy Birthday Natalie,
    Sausages in the snow - what a perfect birthday indeed!
    Emma x

    1. They really were great, our home made ones from our pigs, very self sufficient! Sausages on sticks, who thought they would be so darn good! Hoping you all enjoyed the snow too xx

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday Natalie! I loved reading your 20's list - you certainly packed in a lot of life-changing events! I think the 30's are fab for the very reason you mentioned - it's when we're all a lot more confident about being ourselves and ignoring the pressures to be better/different/whatever. Here's to the next 10 years!

    1. You are so right C, yes I did lots in my 20's, I hope my 30's are stable and a time where I can explore more about thw world around us. Indeed, to the next 10! xx

  4. Happy birthday! What an eventful decade. I loved my 30's in fact I always feel that 32 is my head age. I think it is a great decade for women because we are so much more confident then. I look forward to seeing what you do next!

    1. I love the thought of having a head age, I don't have one yet, well somtimes I still feel 16!


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