Finding a new blackberry spot is always very exciting to me, with a promise of picking blackberries with a friend I remembered a place not far from where we live, quiet and isolated. It was perfect.
The children played in the trees and in the tall grass while we picked and filled our baskets. After a snack and coffee we headed home with cordial making in our heads. The boys poured and stirred while I measured.
The result, a thick sweet liquid which somehow captures early autumn. We have drunken it with ice cold water and also hot on a cool evening. Both are equally divine
To make the cordial
For each pound of fruit add half a pint of water
Heat gently for 30 minutes
Strain the blackberry liquid through a fine sieve, then add the sugar (golden caster, half a pound for each pint of liquid) stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Sprinkle in 1 tea spoon citric acid per pint
Pour into sterilised bottles
Blackberry cordial sounds yummy. We made two batches of blackcurrant cordial, but they didn't last long - I think I'll follow your lead and the seasons and move on to Blackberry!