This year Barry and I decided to get back to growing a few vegetables ourselves, not wanting to put too much pressure on ourselves. I volunteered for the outside plants, carrots, peas, beans, courgettes and beats have all been panted. Barry is in charge of the green house. He has toms, foxgloves (not edible, I know) and lettuce growing.
We had an adult dinner this evening with both boys tucked up in bed tired from their weekly swimming lesson. Ricotta and mushroom pizza with home grown lettuce, so yummy.
Lettuce can be grown indoors too if you don't have a green house, any pot, old coffee jar, or tray will do. Simply fill with soil and sprinkle your seeds in, we like these best. Water regularly. Cut and come again varieties are great.
One cropped drop into a bucket or your sink full of ice cold water, swill then spin, we use a salad spinner and can't recommend it highly enough
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