Friday, 12 April 2013

Edge Veg - Nature in the home

When a friend mentioned Edge Veg to me I thought the idea was wonderful, a community project where anyone can have a vegetable box delivered every week with local and seasonal produce. Run by Lara and Kay the scheme is just starting out but they already have more than 30 boxes to deliver every week. 

If you would like to sign up you can do so through their website. There are schemes just like this one all over the country. Visit twitter and follow @organicvegbox

This is also my contribution to this weeks Nature in the home series from Lou of Little Green Shed blog 

Take care, Natalie xx


  1. Ah, lovely to see some veg joining Nature in the Home! Found you via Lou's blog and glad I did!

  2. Hurrah! Well done Nat for mixing it up a bit. YES... love this idea. xx


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