Saturday, 16 February 2013

Unexpected times

After a morning spent cleaning while Asa and Jasper played with their favourite toy we needed to get out into the sunshine, after a wander we headed to our park to find the local football teams playing. I was ready to head home but the boys wanted to stay and play, queue muddy knees all round

Wild hair for me today, no time for a blow dry
I love this view and how it changes every season
Shadows and boys

Take our photo mumma
Mummy look, what is it? Mummy quick take a photo of it. 

Caught in the act, I know he is going to tell me off for this one when he's older

Knowing Barry was at home making furniture I called him to come, how could I not! A pint of beer, 2 lemonades and 2 packets of crisps later we were all happy

Take care, Natalie xx 


  1. Love the puddle shot, and the knees! x

    1. Thanks :) A selfie was out of the question with my hair!

  2. Hi Natalie - I love these pictures, but your little man did make me giggle. We have a pit stop on the A3 called William's wee wee stop because when he was little it was the place we would always pull over for him to have a tinkle!

    Oh the payback I'm looking forward to having when he brings his girlfriends home with stories to tell. I know the right girl for him will be the one that doesn't flinch and go 'yuk!' but rather 'awwwwww!' I think us mum's have to be one step ahead of the game when it comes to our young man's hearts.

    Nina xxxx

    1. Nina you are so right, I could not imagine Asa with someone who would worry about things like that, it is our job as mum's to "guide" them, whoever gets to have our boys they need to be v special indeed.
      Williams wee wee stop, fab! That is the great thing about boys, they can go anywhere! xx


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